This privacy policy outlines how Oliver Cooper uses and protects any information given throughout the user experience of this website. Any information collected throughout the purchase process will be used in accordance with this privacy statement. Oliver Cooper may update this policy from time to time or when there are changes in data protection laws. This privacy policy will always be available to see, providing clear and transparent information with regards to customer data. 

Personal details provided during purchase include

  • Full name 
  • Contact information including telephone and email 
  • Address (billing and shipping) 
  • Preferences and interests
Information Collected

Information collected mainly comes from what you have entered throughout the purchase transaction and is required to ensure that ordered items reach you accurately. Other information given such as a contact number or email address can also be used to update you on the status of your purchase until it reaches you.

We can also collect information from your time spent on our website that is not personal details but information about how you engage with the Oliver Cooper website, similar to the majority of websites today. This includes but is not limited to information such as; the type of device that was used to access the website, the time and date of the browsing session, the pages visited and items added to shopping baskets. We take your personal information seriously and are committed to protecting the security of this information and complying with relevant data protection laws.

How we use the information collected

At Oliver Cooper other than using your information to ensure your items bought reach you, purchase history data will also be used to benefit your user experience and potential future purchases. We can look at your purchase history to help recommend items through marketing material such as email subscriptions for offers and new luggage styles if you decide to tick this box. You may also be contacted for surveys or customer satisfaction ratings on your purchased items weeks after to help us get some feedback which will be considered for products in the future. 

Who your information is shared with

We are partnered with external delivery couriers and payment service providers. Only need-to-know information is shared with external parties such as correlating order numbers to your delivery address or getting a payment approved by your bank on the online payment platform to complete your purchase. We do not and will not sell your details on to third-party parties exclusively for their gain.

Where applicable and we have the legal right details could also be disclosed to legal authorities over any current disputes or investigations.

Data Storage:

We are committed to storing your data safely and securely. To keep customer data secure and only available to those with authorised access, we have taken the steps and put in place the relevant systems to guarantee protection in our offices and across digital systems. We do not store your data for longer than necessary and strictly adhere to legal security regulations.

Your rights and how to use them:

With regards to receiving email marketing correspondence from Oliver Cooper if you have previously selected the tick box and wish to stop receiving this material, you have the right to withdraw your consent and unsubscribe at any given time if change your mind. This can be done through an unsubscribe link in the bottom line of your email or through directly emailing

Cookies and Monitoring:

Cookies are tiny files which are stored on your device; they are used to help distinguish your time spent on specific websites such as items that have been added to your basket or whether you have a customer login account. Cookies do not collect any of your details used on the website including; name, email address, contact telephone number or payment details. Types of cookies can include:

Cookies are extremely helpful for companies to find out information about the people using their websites and enhance the customer to website experience across devices. It is up to you whether you choose to accept or decline cookies as part of the web browsing experience. However, browsing may not be as efficient, enjoyable and even restrict online transactions if you choose to decline this feature. If you want to disable cookies on your web browser across all websites you can do so through your browser settings.

Google Analytics may also be used for the Oliver Cooper website to help us analyse online customer buyer behaviour, spot any patterns and to generally improve the overall customer experience on the website. Similarly, to cookies this system is extremely helpful in determining the functionality of the website, spot any patterns and help contribute in creating an excellent online platform to represent the company and most importantly be easy to use for potential customers.

  • Analytical/performance
  • Functionality
  • Targeting